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Develop prevention and treatment actions for people addicted to alcohol, addictive drugs, according to a therapeutic model that promotes adequate social reintegration of the user into their environment.


We consolidate ourselves as a leading Institution in the prevention and rehabilitation of addictions and addictive behaviors, with quality and inclusive care, committed to the comprehensive development of users, through relevant and innovative care and social reintegration programs, provided by specialists of excellence and with efficient resource management


On 4 February 2004 decided to set up an institution in Cuernavaca which is dedicated to providing assistance to women and men with problems of drug addiction and alcohol; Adicciones y Mujeres A.C. (Jayil) was born 19 years ago in response to the increase in the consumption of addictive substances in women and men in our country.

On September 8, 2014, the following clinic was opened , in a mixed manner, in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora, to provide care for people with substance use problems.

Since then to date we have received a significant number of people, who, after their treatment, continue to attend follow-up meetings according to their time possibilities.

Among our short-term goals is to obtain the recognition of both other institutions and society itself, in addition to achieving the integration of our shelters into family and work life.



We have a multidisciplinary team made up of physicians, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, nurses, therapists, addiction counselors , AA sponsors, and complementary therapy professionals such as art therapy, physical conditioning, spiritual healing, life and career plan, skill developers for life, among others.


At the ADICCIONES Y MUJERES AC clinic , we offer group sessions from different psychological approaches , taught by mental health professionals, psychologists , therapists and addiction counselors; that favor the identification of goals and objectives in the individual and group therapeutic and counseling plan , as well as the development of awareness of the disease through the identification of the severity of the addiction , the knowledge and the practice of life skills (social, thinking and emotional management), prevention through recreation and good use of free time, development and management of spiritual life, prevention of relapses , as well as the creation of a life plan appropriate to the user, to achieve a successful abstinence.


In addition, we implement an individual counseling plan , which is the program of activities that is structured according to the comprehensive assessment applied to the user, considering the needs, individual characteristics , gender, sexual preference, sociocultural factors, age and condition. of health. It is the guide for specific actions prioritizing the areas of life that must be attended through therapeutic goals and objectives during the counseling process .


Group sessions are a tool used to promote changes in users due to social interaction that influences the thoughts, emotions and behaviors of all, at the same time users identify with the experiences of others and obtain learning, in addition they feel part of a group while practicing and strengthening skills, as well as, acquiring personal strategies and resources. This is achieved through the individual counseling plan and the group counseling plan , which is the action plan that integrates the goals and objectives to be achieved during the rehabilitation process.




To achieve our goals, we have a series of agreements and collaborative work relationships with other institutions such as


State Council Against Addictions (CECA)

Certified by the Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks of the State of Morelos (COPRISEM) with the Official Mexican Standard NOM 028-SSA-2009

Recognized as an NGO by the National Commission for Human Rights (CNDH) and the State Commission for Human Rights of the State of Morelos

Registered in the National Council Against Addictions (CONADIC)

Approved by the SAT as a National and International Authorized Grantee



If you want to collaborate with us, here is our account number. We are at your disposal for any questions or queries, we are a donee authorized by the SAT and SRE, we have authorization to receive donations from abroad


Adicciones y Mujeres A.C.

SANTANDER 92-000-598-899 CLABE 014540920005988999

RFC AMU041007AB4

CLUNI AMU04100717018

Legal address: Private Salto Chico 211, Col. Tlaltenango, CP 62170, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico.

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